It’s been a long time …
It’s been two and half years since my last post. That’s too long but my time has been spent on other pursuits during this time that aren’t related to bronze casting. However the spirit of the forge has never left me.
More often than not, I found my mind wandering to the technicalities of various bronze casting projects that I have queued up in my brain. But more on those later.
Back in April 2022 I made a trip to Berrycroft Hub (www.berrycrofthub.com) for a fantastic workshop with the brilliant Neil Burridge who is probably the leading authority on bronze age sword production in the UK. I will report on this trip very soon.
And finally, this weekend, I migrated this site to a new host as the old host was asking for far too much money to renew. The page now boasts significantly faster loading times and an SSL certificate too so it’s also more secure … winner, winner, chicken dinner! 😀