Where there’s a Will there’s a way (part 2)
Today we would see the results of our smelted copper and the goddess would break free from her tomb.
Today we would see the results of our smelted copper and the goddess would break free from her tomb.
You may recall I mentioned a crazy caveman called Will Lord in my earlier post (Where it all began). Well this is the tale of my next meeting with this highly skilled and fascinating gentleman.
I needed to enhance my tool kit if I was to stand any chance of finishing my knife to a reasonable standard. …
It was very cold and misty on the 19th December 2016. It was the kind of freezing dampness that hangs in the air and slowly permeates your clothing and gnaws at your bones if you stay out in it for too long. …
So, my good friend Andy gave me this over the weekend as he’s moving house and was clearing out his garage … …
If I could roll back the sands of time things would be very different. I would be wealthy beyond my wildest dreams for starters. Plus, a handful of other events that didn’t quite go my way would have turned out significantly better. But alas, it is not to be. …
“All bronzes are made to be touched. Bronze is a sensual ‘living’ material. The sweat and oil of your palms adds to the patination.” Peter Marino